Start September Sproutin’. ASAP.
We get it. We’re there at procrastination station with you—it’s one of our favorites too.
That being said, there are things you should never wait to do, and growing your own patio veggie or indoor herb garden is one of those things!
Here’s why:
1. September is sweater weather! Fall is full of moderate temperatures with plenty of rainfall. The nice temperatures makes being outside with your plant way more enjoyable, and if you have the right plants (we do), the weather is easy to succeed in.
2. Fall Back into School…? Ever since school began running from September to June, we’ve considered September the time for another go at those New Year’s resolutions. Whether or not you’re in school anymore, it’s the perfect time to start new things and make new goals—like growing goals!
3. Like we said before—sweater weather! It’s the time stews and warm dishes start making appearances, and what better way to kick off the shift to a new cooking style than with the freshest veggies and herbs around?
4. Because why not? There are no cons in this situation. Only good things come from the growing!