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The Grower’s Grower: An Interview with Gardenuity’s Farm Partner, Joel Turk

“Have you ever seen the movie Forrest Gump?…When he becomes a shrimper? That’s where we are.”
“Where” is Irvington, Alabama in the South Mobile County. I’ve only seen Forrest Gump once, but this statement leaves quite the vivid description. Irvington is a small town in the deep south, just a short trip from the gulf. Imagine bayou, hot muggy summers, and warm southern twangs—the speaker Joel Turk...
September 11, 2017
by Corinne L.
The Grower’s Grower: An Interview with Gardenuity’s Farm Partner, Joel Turk
“Have you ever seen the movie Forrest Gump?…When he becomes a shrimper? That’s where we are.” “Where” is Irvington, Alabama …
Continue reading "The Grower’s Grower: An Interview with Gardenuity’s Farm Partner, Joel Turk"
The post The Grower’s Grower: An Interview with Gardenuity’s Farm Partner, Joel Turk appeared first on THE SAGE.
September 11, 2017
by Gardenuity